Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lake Villa, IL 60046
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lake Villa IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beautiful Savior Evangelical Lut | 847-265-2450 | 2312 E Sand Lake Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Calvary Chapel of Lake Villa | 847-265-0646 | 38451 N Fairfield Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Calvary Christian Center | 847-356-6181 | 134 Monaville Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Chain of Lakes Community Bible | 847-838-0103 | 43 W Grass Lake Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Fairfield Road Baptist Church | 847-356-5776 | 37510 N Fairfield Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Fullness of Christ Evangelistic Ch | 847-356-7809 | 225 Winddance Dr | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Good Shepherd Luth Church | 847-356-5158 | 25100 W Grand Ave | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Grace Community Church | 847-356-8322 | Granada Bl & San Rem | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Handmaids of the Precious Blood | 847-356-7729 | 24140 W Petite Lake Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Heritage Luthern Church | 847-245-8917 | 630 N Beck Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Lake Villa United Methodist Churc | 847-356-2661 | 110 McKinley Ave | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Lakelnd Baptist Church | 847-356-7072 | Grand Ave | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Liberty Community Church | 847-356-9336 | Waterford Commons Pl | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Linden Villa Baptist Church | 847-356-1031 | 38869 N Deep Lake Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Lindenhurst Trinity United Methodis | 847-356-7200 | 101 S Beck Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Millburn Church Early Learning Center | 847-356-5237 | 19073 W Grass Lake Rd | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
Pittman Roger L Rev | 847-356-8140 | 1822 E Grand Ave | Lake Villa | IL | 60046 |
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