Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in North Chicago, IL 60064
* Each listing below of Churches Information for North Chicago IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Valley Missionary Bapt | 847-473-3567 | 2690 Argonne Dr | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
Church of the Nazareno of North Chicag | 847-473-1961 | 2044 Seymour Ave | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
Emmanuel Faith Bible Christian Cente | 847-473-4854 | 1840 Lincoln St | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
Eternal Flame Ame Church | 847-473-3722 | 1412 Greenfield Ave | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
First Baptist Church | 847-473-3667 | 2219 14th St | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
First Corinthian Baptist Church | 847-473-1610 | 1529 Elizabeth Ave | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
Hillcrest Baptist Church | 847-689-4585 | 3030 15th Pl | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
Living Waters Apostolic Pentecostal Chu | 847-689-1955 | 2001 Seymour Ave | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
Mount Mariah Christian Center | 847-473-5683 | 523 10th St | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
Mt Sinai Institutional Baptist Church | 847-689-4422 | 2401 Argonne Dr | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
North Shore Baptist Church | 847-473-2884 | 1118 Sheridan Rd | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
Queen of Peace Catholic Church | 847-473-4079 | 910 14th St | North Chicago | IL | 60064 |
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