Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Interior Decorators in Barrington, IL 60010
* Each listing below of Interior Decorators Information for Barrington IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bird House Studio | 847-382-3473 | 418 S Cook St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Blind & Drapery Store Inc The | 847-304-1881 | 238 George St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Decorating Connections Inc | 847-381-7137 | 125 Barrington Commons C | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Derrig Designs | 847-381-4699 | 22073 N Pepper Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Design Lines | 847-304-9129 | 29 Graystone Ln | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Environmental Design Group | 847-382-4000 | 127 E Main St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Estates at Inverness Ridge | 847-277-1800 | 1007 Ridgeview Dr | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Hollie Free Ltd | 847-381-8525 | 366 N Bateman Cir | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Interior Design Images | 847-382-0211 | 20765 N Plum Pl | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Interiors II | 847-382-8333 | 22 E Dundee Rd Ste 5 | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Jma Interiors Jeani M Allaway Asid | 847-382-7309 | 115 E Station St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
L B Designs Unlimited Inc | 847-963-8813 | 1637 Balmoral Ln | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Lampert Adele L Asid | 847-382-1001 | 320 E Main St Ofc | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Lml Associates | 847-304-9676 | 646 Golf Ln | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Margot Interiors | 847-381-2001 | 4 Marbury Ln | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
No Problem Decoratiing & Construction | 847-304-6903 | 26161 W Cuba Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Nyman John E Interiors Ltd | 847-382-8400 | 594 Brookside Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Shea Lubecke Limited | 847-304-1130 | 598 Eton Dr | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Wilhelmina Van Cleef & Assoc | 847-382-6305 | 270 S Valley Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Yellow & Green | 847-842-0868 | 616 E Main St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
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