Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Interior Decorators in Highland Park, IL 60035
* Each listing below of Interior Decorators Information for Highland Park IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ashmore Evalyn A | 847-681-8007 | 121 Whistler Rd | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Bobbi Packer Designs | 847-432-0407 | 126 Edgecliff Dr | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Cowan Barbara Strauss Asid | 847-831-5080 | 1448 Old Skokie Rd Ste A | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Davis Marilyn | 847-432-3597 | 2881 Summit Ave | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Decorative Manner Interiors | 847-433-1262 | 450 Central Ave | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Design One | 847-433-0234 | 600 Laurel Ave | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Emanuel Feingold | 847-433-1218 | 1120 Ridgewood Dr | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Goldberg K Lasker Designs Inc | 847-831-5868 | 1869 Eastwood Ave | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Ilene April Interiors Ltd | 847-266-0176 | 907 Rollingwood Rd | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Insight | 847-432-4606 | 1997 Lake Ave | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Jamie Schachtel Interiors | 847-433-9013 | 654 Judson Ave | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Kopin Interiors | 847-926-0233 | 150 Cary Ave | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Kutchin Barbara | 847-831-9190 | 2051 Burr Oak Ln | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Levinson Stephanie Wohlner Design | 847-432-8735 | 1442 Waverly Rd | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Nahin Patti Interior Design Ltd | 847-433-8400 | 315 Aspen Ln | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Paper Dolls | 847-433-0066 | 2100 Green Bay Rd | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Upstairs Downstairs Interior Design | 847-432-3444 | 236 Sheridan Rd | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
Wiley Designs | 847-266-8991 | 416 Ravine Dr | Highland Park | IL | 60035 |
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