Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Grayslake, IL 60030
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Grayslake IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alwardt House | 847-231-5926 | 18064 W Gages Lake Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Children's Corner Montessori Scho | 847-548-2880 | 998 Progress Dr | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Grayslake Community Consolidated Sc | 847-223-3680 | 440 Barron Blvd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Grayslake Community Consolidated Sc | 847-543-5300 | 595 Friederick Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Grayslake Community Consolidated Sc | 847-223-3656 | 291 Lexington Ln | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Grayslake Community Consolidated Sc | 847-223-3668 | 340 N Alleghany Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Grayslake Community High School Dis | 847-223-8621 | 400 N Lake St | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Lake County Educational Service Center | 847-223-3400 | 19525 W Washington St | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Lifestyles Learning Center | 847-548-7200 | 33125 N US Highway 45 | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Mary's Peppermint Stick Pre School | 847-223-6151 | 31 Park Ave | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Montessori School of Lake Forest | 847-543-0002 | 32470 Harris Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Old School Montessori | 847-223-9606 | 144 Commerce Dr | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Prairie Crossing Charter School | 847-543-9722 | 1571 Jones Point Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Schools Public | 847-816-2154 | 17371 W Gages Lake Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
St Gilbert's Educational Ofc | 847-223-3071 | 231 E Belvidere Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
St Gilbert's School | 847-223-8600 | 251 E Belvidere Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
The Best Driving School Inc | 847-223-7338 | 15 Commerce Dr Ste 102B | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
University of Illinois Extension Lake | 847-223-8627 | 100 US Highway 45 | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Westlake Christian Academy | 847-548-6209 | 275 S Lake St | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Woodland Community Consolidated Sc | 847-856-3620 | 17366 W Gages Lake Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
Woodland Community Consolidated Sc | 847-856-3610 | 17368 W Gages Lake Rd | Grayslake | IL | 60030 |
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