Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Barrington, IL 60010
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Barrington IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Barn of Barrington The | 847-381-8585 | 1415 S Barrington Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Barrington Gyros | 847-381-3111 | 301 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Bistro Barrington Country | 847-842-1300 | The Foundry NW Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Blue Heron Cafe & Bar | 847-304-1994 | 405 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Boloney's Sandwich Shop | 847-381-0645 | 114 W Main St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Brass Restaurant & Brewery | 847-765-1200 | 105 Hollywood Blvd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Bread Basket Restaurant The | 847-382-3099 | 131 Park Ave | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Canteen Restaurant | 847-382-0900 | 214 S Hough St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Dunkin Donuts Baskin Robins | 847-381-3808 | 108 S Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Dunkin Doughnuts | 847-462-9543 | 630 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Egg Harbor Cafe | 847-304-4033 | 210 S Cook St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 847-639-7646 | 650 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Kookers | 847-382-3309 | 228 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
La Mesa Restaurant | 847-277-9636 | 243 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Max & Erma's Restaurants | 847-550-6484 | 20506 N Rand Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 847-381-4488 | 227 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Millrose Restaurant and Brewing Company | 847-382-7673 | 45 S Barrington Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Original Tracks | 847-304-4435 | 100 Lageschulte St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Port Barrington Bar & Grill | 847-382-1366 | 99 Kazimour Dr | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Quizno's Classics Subs | 847-462-1974 | 638 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Sagano Japanese Restaurant | 847-382-8980 | 110 N Hough St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Stoney River Legendary Steaks | 847-719-1596 | 20504 N Rand Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Subway Sandwich & Salads | 847-516-0077 | 658 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Taco Bell | 847-639-8474 | 660 W Northwest Hwy | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
The Garlands of Barrington | 847-756-3000 | 1000 Garlands Ln | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
The Kelsey Road House | 847-381-8300 | 352 Kelsey Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
The Onion Pub & Brewery | 847-381-7308 | 22N221 Pepper Rd | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
Theme II Grills & Things | 847-381-7518 | 126 W Main St | Barrington | IL | 60010 |
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