Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Decatur, IL 62523
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Decatur IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross | 217-428-7758 | 263 S Park St | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Big Brothers Big Sister | 217-428-4240 | 117 N Main St | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Catholic Charities of Decatur | 217-422-6611 | 247 W Prairie Ave | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Community Foundation of Decatur Macon C | 217-429-3000 | 125 N Water St | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Decatur Community Partnership | 217-872-1204 | 202 E Eldorado St | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Good Samaritan Inn | 217-429-1455 | 543 N Water St | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Legal Assistance Foundation | 217-423-0516 | 601 Miliken Ct | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Northeast Community Fund Inc | 217-429-5846 | 825 N Water St | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Salvation Army | 217-429-8050 | 229 W Main St | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
Teen Challenge Illinois | 217-423-9117 | 151 W Prairie Ave | Decatur | IL | 62523 |
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