Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Antiques in Alton, IL 62002
* Each listing below of Antiques Information for Alton IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alton Antique Center | 618-463-0888 | 401 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Alton Exchange Antique Mall | 618-463-1273 | 2990 Homer M Adams Pkwy | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Antique Mall on George Street | 618-463-1693 | 108 George St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Cane Bottom | 618-462-5881 | 31 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Heartland Antiques & Collectibles | 618-465-6363 | 321 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Hilltop Auction Banquet Center | 618-462-6458 | 2612 Fosterburg Rd | Alton | IL | 62002 |
M & M's Fine Things | 618-465-6730 | 15 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
M J's Antiques | 618-463-4724 | 556 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
My Antique Store | 618-465-6545 | 201 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
P & J's Edelweiss | 618-465-0645 | 435 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Prairie Peddler | 618-465-6114 | 200 State St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Riverbend Treasures | 618-465-5400 | 205 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Rubenstein Gordon | 618-462-5243 | 728 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Shelton & Company | 618-462-7010 | 319 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Steve's Antiques & Reproductions | 618-465-7407 | 323 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Tootie's Warehouse of Antiques | 618-463-0507 | 301 Piasa St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Wilson's Antiques | 618-465-3798 | 217 E Broadway | Alton | IL | 62002 |
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