Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bethalto, IL 62010
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bethalto IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Baptist Church of Fosterburg | 618-259-2550 | 4737 Fosterburg Rd | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Bethalto 1st Christian Church | 618-377-9259 | 724 E Bethalto Blvd | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Bethalto Presbyterian Church | 618-377-5317 | 15 Nelson Dr | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Bethel General Baptist Church | 618-377-5751 | 816 S Prairie St | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Church of God | 618-377-3070 | 800 E Bethalto Blvd | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Cornerstone Church at Bethalto | 618-377-7625 | 196 S Moreland Rd | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
First Baptist Church of Cottage Hills | 618-259-2400 | 200 Williams St | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
First Church of God Meadowbrook | 618-377-8804 | 222 Maple Dr | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Hearts Harvest Fellowship | 618-377-8277 | 111 Sheridan St | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Landmark United Pentecostal Chu | 618-377-2300 | 302 E Central St | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Meyer Willard V Rev | 618-377-8314 | 625 Church Dr | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
New Wine Fellowship | 618-377-3312 | 331 Ridge Dr | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
Restoration House Worship Center | 618-377-6750 | 620 Valley View Dr | Bethalto | IL | 62010 |
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