Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in East Alton, IL 62024
* Each listing below of Churches Information for East Alton IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Baptist Church of East Alton | 618-259-7321 | 400 Bowman Ave | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
1st General Baptist Church of East | 618-259-7719 | 86 Tomlinson St | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
1st General Baptist Church of East | 618-259-7622 | Tomlnsn & E Main | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
Bethel Pentecostal Church | 618-259-7825 | 480 E Airline Dr | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
Church of Christ East Alton | 618-259-7532 | 450 E Airline Dr | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
Community of Christ | 618-259-0780 | 602 S Bellwood Dr | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
First Assembly of God Church Or East | 618-259-4388 | 325 W Main St | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
First Baptist Church of Rosewood Height | 618-259-2715 | 50 E Rosewood Dr | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
Flowing River Church of God | 618-259-2808 | 530 Monroe St | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
Friendship General Baptist Church | 618-259-8322 | 319 W Main St | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
Greater Alton Church | 618-259-5010 | 506 E Airline Dr | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
River Bend Calvary Chapel | 618-258-7211 | 400 N Center St | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
Rosewood Hts 1 St General Baptist | 618-259-6499 | 166 E Airline Dr | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
St Kevin's Church | 618-259-3363 | 4 Saint Kevins Dr | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
St Paul United Methodist Churc | 618-259-5210 | 10 N Center St | East Alton | IL | 62024 |
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