Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Madison, IL 62060
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Madison IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Friendship Baptist Church | 618-451-2794 | 301 Meredocia St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Genesis Baptist Mission | 618-877-0567 | 1665 5th St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Greater St James Church of Cogic | 618-876-3555 | 1657 5th St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Mt Nebo Missionary Baptist Church | 618-452-2737 | 800 Jefferson St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Nativity of the Virgin Mary Orthodox C | 618-451-9995 | 416 Ewing Ave | Madison | IL | 62060 |
North End Church of God | 618-877-3072 | 1048 Douglas St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Quinn Ame Church | 618-877-3225 | 401 Mary St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Rescue Mission Church of God in Chris | 618-452-2000 | 1536 4th St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Sacred Heart of Jesus Polish National | 618-876-5860 | 930 Reynolds St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Southern Missionary Bapt Church | 618-877-1305 | 921 Bissell St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
Temple Baptist Church | 618-876-6494 | 714 McCambridge Ave | Madison | IL | 62060 |
True Fellowship | 618-877-8783 | 1641 3rd St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
United Congregations of Metro East | 618-451-1458 | 1661 5th St | Madison | IL | 62060 |
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