Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wood River, IL 62095
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wood River IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1st Christian Church | 618-254-3221 | 160 E Lorena Ave | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
1st United Methodist Church of East | 618-259-1306 | 1001 Third | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Assembly of God Church of Wood River | 618-259-5606 | 781 N 9th St | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Bunse Gerald | 618-254-0679 | 345 E Acton Ave | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Church of Christ Vaughn Hill | 618-259-2100 | 662 S Bellwood Drive Hwy | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Evangelical United Methodist Churc | 618-259-0049 | 1121 Poplar St | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Family of God | 618-258-0204 | 224 Linton St | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
First Baptist Church of Wood River | 618-254-6652 | 300 E Lorena Ave | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
First General Baptist of Woodriver | 618-258-0205 | 1332 Miland St | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
First United Methodist Church of Wood | 618-254-1921 | N 6th | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Ivy Heights Church of God | 618-254-4123 | 1901 Old Alton Edwardsvil | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Pleasant View General Baptist Church | 618-254-0240 | 78 E Jennings Ave | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
St John United Church of Christ | 618-254-6682 | 228 N 6th St | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 618-259-0257 | 1327 Vaughn Rd | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
United Pentecostal Church Woodrive | 618-254-6166 | 349 E Lorena Ave | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
United Presbyterian Church The | 618-254-5880 | 2550 Rock Hill Rd | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Whitelaw Avenue Baptist Church | 618-254-3848 | 800 Whitelaw Ave | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
Wood River Missionary Baptist Church | 618-254-5625 | 467 N 3rd St | Wood River | IL | 62095 |
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