Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Alton, IL 62002
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Alton IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alton Area Landmarks Assoc | 618-465-3030 | 522 Belle St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Alton Metropolitan Human Developme | 618-465-3411 | 100 Lovejoy Ln | Alton | IL | 62002 |
American Red Cross Southwestern Il | 618-465-7704 | 1639 Main St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Boys & Girls Club of Alton | 618-462-6249 | 115 Jefferson Ave | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Challenge Unlimited Inc | 618-466-5070 | 4452 Industrial Dr | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Community Counseling Center | 618-462-2331 | 2615 Edwards St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Crisis Food Center | 618-462-8201 | 21 E 6th St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Easter Seals | 618-462-7325 | 602 E 3rd St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Goeken Felicia | 618-465-3211 | 2017 Worden Ave | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Goodwill Industries | 618-463-9622 | 1719 Homer M Adams Pkwy | Alton | IL | 62002 |
M J Management | 618-465-1367 | 1414 Milton Rd | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Naacp | 618-465-1621 | 731 Silver St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Pride of Alton Elk's and Paradise Te | 618-462-6338 | 228 E Elm St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Right To Life Il Federation | 618-465-7655 | 1104 Milton Rd | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Salvation Army Citadel | 618-465-7764 | 525 Alby St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Southwestern Il Visiting Nurse | 618-474-9977 | 7 Executive Woods Ct | Alton | IL | 62002 |
Urban League of Madison County | 618-463-1906 | 210 William St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
William M Bedell Achievement & R | 618-465-6744 | 2436 Alby St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
William M Bedell Achievement & R | 618-462-9742 | 1813 Main St | Alton | IL | 62002 |
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