Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Peoria, IL 61603
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Peoria IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Catholic Diocese of Peoria | 309-671-1550 | 412 NE Madison Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Christ Church Apostolic | 309-673-3243 | 1523 NE Adams St | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Church of Christ | 309-688-2621 | 1509 E Paris Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Church of Scientology Mission of Peor | 309-685-8700 | 2020 N Wisconsin Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Cursillo-Tec Center | 309-676-5587 | 401 NE Madison Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
First English Lutheran Church | 309-685-0337 | 725 E Forrest Hill Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
First United Methodist Church of Peori | 309-673-3641 | 116 NE Perry Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Forrest Hill United Methodist Churc | 309-685-6243 | 706 E Forrest Hill Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
German Apostolic Christian Churc | 309-688-5019 | 815 E Corrington Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Gospel Experience | 309-686-0335 | 3101 NE Madison Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Grace Conquest Ministries | 309-681-9756 | 1305 E Nebraska Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Madison Avenue United Methodist Churc | 309-685-1755 | 3201 NE Madison Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Morning Glory Ministeries | 309-686-3917 | 1100 E Frye Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Morning Glory Ministries Yout | 309-685-6360 | 2012 N Central Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
New Heights Fellowship | 309-685-8101 | 2900 N Wisconsin Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Prince of Peace Mb Church | 309-685-3545 | 711 E Arcadia Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Resurrection Power Church of God I | 309-685-8613 | 2500 NE Madison Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Trinity Temple Church | 309-674-7920 | 817 NE Perry Ave | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
Unity House of Prayer | 309-686-9313 | 2901 NE Adams St | Peoria | IL | 61603 |
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