Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in East Moline, IL 61244
* Each listing below of Churches Information for East Moline IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1 St Baptist Church of East Moline | 309-755-2409 | 4021 9th 1/2 St | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
1st Baptist Church of East Moline | 309-755-9865 | 4029 9th 1/2 St | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Bible Holiness Church | 309-792-2361 | 2301 Colona Rd | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Center for Early Learning | 309-792-0755 | 1450 30th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 309-755-2508 | 3801 7th St | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
East Moline Christian School | 309-796-1485 | 900 46th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
First Church of the Open Bible | 309-755-3644 | 440 16th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
First Presbyterian Church | 309-755-1595 | 777 25th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Gaines Chapel Ame Church | 309-755-8708 | 311 19th St | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Goodard Chas Rev | 309-755-9090 | 266 29th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Grace Baptist Church | 309-755-5571 | 218 35th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Grace Lutheran Mission | 309-755-4757 | 615 15th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Grace United Methodist Chruch | 309-755-9116 | 325 20th St | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Harris Prentiss W Rev | 309-755-1728 | 6th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Immanuel Lutheran | 309-755-1018 | 356 16th Ave | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Prayer & Faith Mission | 309-752-0772 | 730 13th St | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
Sycamore Baptist Church | 309-496-2505 | 5323 180th St N | East Moline | IL | 61244 |
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