Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Fairview Heights, IL 62208
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Fairview Heights IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aamco Transmissions | 618-222-2626 | 5609 N Illinois St | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Car-X Auto Service | 618-236-1710 | 5409 N Illinois St | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Dobbs Tire & Auto Centers | 618-628-1166 | 50 Lincoln Hwy | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Fairview Brake and Tire Co | 618-398-5466 | 9998 Saint Clair Ave | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Funk Russ Motors | 618-632-1407 | 5625 Old Collinsville Rd | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
In and Out Auto Center | 618-622-9588 | 119 Ashland Ave | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Lincoln Trail Auto Body and Towing | 618-397-0028 | 9525 Old Lincoln Trl | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Mark II Tune Up Specialists | 618-398-1636 | 10505 Lincoln Trl | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Meineke Car Care Center | 618-398-5888 | 10712 Lincoln Trl | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Midas Auto Service Experts | 618-632-6776 | 6016 N Illinois St | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Perfect Finish Collision Cente | 618-398-3100 | 10610 Lincoln Trl | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Quayle Service Center | 618-398-6110 | 9109 Saint Clair Ave | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Simon Service Center Inc | 618-397-9662 | 10085 Lincoln Trl | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Valvoline Instant Oil Change | 618-397-4746 | 10611 Lincoln Trl | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Valvoline Instant Oil Change | 618-277-5446 | 6001 N Illinois St | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
Walter's Auto Body | 618-632-2424 | 117 Ashland Ave | Fairview Heights | IL | 62208 |
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