Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Belleville, IL 62221
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Belleville IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Tabernacle Assembly of God | 618-624-5497 | 4035 Lebanon Ave | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Calvary Baptist Church & Academy | 618-234-3620 | 423 Lucinda Ave | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Eastview Baptist Church | 618-234-9255 | 211 Sherman St | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Faith Family Church | 618-277-0232 | 704 N Green Mount Rd | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
First Assembly of God | 618-233-1177 | 900 Fair Oaks Dr | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
First Church of the Nazarene | 618-234-6981 | 1901 Lebanon Ave | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Greenmount Road Church of Christ The | 618-234-5247 | 25 N Green Mount Rd | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Hope Christian Church | 618-746-4872 | 4101 E State Route 161 | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 618-234-4476 | 3187 Carlyle Ave | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Lutheran Church the Mo Synod Southern | 618-234-4767 | 2408 Lebanon Ave | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Michigan Conference Corp The | 618-257-8481 | 129 Sagebrush Dr | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
St Teresa Catholic Church | 618-233-3500 | 1201 Lebanon Ave | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Switzer G E Rev | 618-234-0680 | 1648 La Salle St | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Towerview Baptist Church | 618-277-7066 | 2401 Lebanon Ave | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
True Vine Christian Center | 618-257-8783 | 2241 Country Rd | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
Zion Lutheran Church | 618-233-2299 | 1810 McClintock Ave | Belleville | IL | 62221 |
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