Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Belleville, IL 62226
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Belleville IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Family Christian Center | 618-235-8693 | 2020 W Main St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Chuy V | 618-277-6400 | 400 Huntwood Rd | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Belleville Christian Center | 618-235-1643 | 104 S 17th St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Bien Mary Certified Hypnotherapist | 618-236-2100 | 1810 Garden St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Community Bible Church | 618-624-6100 | 4940 Benchmark Centre Dr | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Deliverance Temple | 618-233-0240 | 709 S 19th St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Glad Tidings Church | 618-235-5777 | 4180 Smelting Works Rd | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Greek Orthodox Church Saints Constant | 618-277-0330 | 405 Huntwood Rd | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Hope Church | 618-234-2358 | 200 Dapron Dr | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Masjid & Islamic Education Cente | 618-222-9055 | 4525 Old Collinsville Rd | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
New Beginnings Fellowship | 618-239-9280 | 109 N 47th St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Peace Lutheran Church Elca | 618-234-3165 | 1209 Royal Heights Rd | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
St Augustine's Catholic Church | 618-233-3813 | 1910 W Belle St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
St Henry's Church | 618-233-2423 | 5315 W Main St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
St Mary Church | 618-233-2391 | 1706 W Main St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 618-233-7159 | 1419 N 17th St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Westview Baptist Church | 618-233-7474 | 2500 Sullivan Dr | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
Wilkerson Chapel | 618-233-6300 | 640 S 19th St | Belleville | IL | 62226 |
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