Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in East Saint Louis, IL 62203
* Each listing below of Churches Information for East Saint Louis IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aahmed Temple | 618-397-9591 | 787 N 53rd St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Abundant Life Church of God in Christ | 618-397-7576 | 8501 State St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Bethlehem Temple Seventh Day Apo | 618-398-0782 | 5300 Ohio Ave | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Brown Community Church | 618-398-0938 | 5501 State St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Church of God in Christ Congregation | 618-397-7307 | 6205 State St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Church of Grace | 618-398-5203 | 8305 Bluff St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Church of the Nazarene | 618-397-1739 | 656 N 79th St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Edgemont Church of God | 618-397-0192 | 762 N 71st St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 618-398-5279 | 612 N 84th St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
First Bible Fellowship | 618-397-7884 | 8625 State St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
First Christian Community Churc | 618-394-1194 | 233 N 88th St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Greater Faith Christian Church | 618-394-1006 | 438 N 82nd St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Holy Foundation Pentecostal Chu | 618-398-3894 | 5407 Ohio Ave | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Hubbard Garfield Rev | 618-274-1548 | 5801 State St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Immanuel United Church of Christ | 618-397-4544 | 463 N 88th St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Israeli Baptist Church | 618-398-3926 | 1107 N 71st St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 618-397-7423 | 515 N 80th St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witne | 618-397-4826 | 6400 Saint Clair Ave | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
McCasland Temple Church of God in Chris | 618-397-0155 | 6825 State St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Mt Zion Center | 618-397-3272 | 425 N 88th St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
National Shrine of Our Lady of the Sno | 618-397-6700 | 442 S De Mazenod | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 618-397-8155 | 5803 Belmont Ave | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
New Birth Ministries Worldwide | 618-398-7450 | 715 N 80th St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
New Jerusalem Seventh Day Adventist C | 618-398-5678 | 6901 State St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Parkside Apostolic House of Prayer | 618-397-4302 | 225 N 68th St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
Refuge Temple | 618-398-8707 | 5301 State St | East Saint Louis | IL | 62203 |
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