Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in O Fallon, IL 62269
* Each listing below of Churches Information for O Fallon IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blessed Savior Lutheran Church | 618-632-0126 | 1205 N Lincoln Ave | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Calvary Pentecostal Church | 618-632-8259 | 613 S Walnut St | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Cathedral of Praise Family Worship | 618-624-6114 | 915 E US Highway 50 | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 618-632-0167 | 255 Fairwood Hills Rd | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Corpus Christi Catholic Church | 618-632-7614 | 206 Rasp St | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 618-632-5562 | 520 E US Highway 50 | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Faith United Christian Center | 618-632-7384 | 112 W Washington St | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
First Baptist Church O'fallon | 618-632-6223 | 1111 E US Highway 50 | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
First United Methodist Church of O'fal | 618-632-2354 | 504 E US Highway 50 | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Metro East Christian Fellowship | 618-624-6323 | 1790 W US Highway 50 | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
O'fallon Apostolic Assembly | 618-632-9377 | 403 S Lincoln Ave | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
O'fallon United Church of Christ | 618-632-3488 | 206 W Adams St | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Shiloh Methodist Church | 618-632-6913 | 210 S Main St | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Spring Valley Baptist Church | 618-632-6706 | 522 Maple St | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
St Clare Church | 618-632-3562 | 221 W 2nd St | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
St Michael's Episcopal Church | 618-632-6168 | 111 Ofallon Troy Rd | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
St Nicholas Roman Catholic Church | 618-632-1797 | 625 Saint Nicholas Dr | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
Zion Temple Baptist Church | 618-624-8096 | 1500 Old Ofallon Rd | O Fallon | IL | 62269 |
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