Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Springfield, IL 62702
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Springfield IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abc Day Care | 217-528-0163 | 1407 N Franklin Ave | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
Bentley Orville | 217-523-5707 | 2145 E Grandview Ave | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
Calvary Temple Christian Cente | 217-546-9700 | 1730 W Jefferson St | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
Community Child Care Connection | 217-525-2805 | 1004 N Milton Ave | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
Learning Nook | 217-525-0707 | 1628 N Wolfe St | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
Montessori Children's House | 217-544-7702 | 4147 Sandhill Rd | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
Playhouse The | 217-698-5437 | 1409 W Washington St | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
Raggedy Ann & Andy Day Care Center | 217-523-7138 | 1005 N Macarthur Blvd | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
Raggedy Ann & Andy Day Care Center | 217-525-0666 | 1101 W Calhoun Ave | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
West Side Christian Church | 217-793-2800 | 2850 Cider Mill Ln | Springfield | IL | 62702 |
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