Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Springfield, IL 62703
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Springfield IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bea's Daycare | 217-523-0665 | 906 S 16th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Building Blocks | 217-528-8028 | 770 Apple Orchard Rd | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Camelot Care Center | 217-585-9185 | 2924 Stanton St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Concordia Lutheran Pre School | 217-585-0640 | 2300 E Wilshire Rd | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Early Head Start | 217-492-1158 | 100 N 11th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Little Friends Day Care Center | 217-522-1117 | 913 S 9th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Little Friends Daycare Center | 217-522-1544 | 910 S 8th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Nehemiah Child Care Centers East | 217-544-2243 | 2219 E Kansas St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Pam's Daycare | 217-241-9021 | 2033 Randall Ct | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Springfield Urban League Early | 217-492-1120 | 1917 Johnson Park Dr | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
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