Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Springfield, IL 62704
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Springfield IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bocox Susan | 217-787-7041 | 3100 Saint Helens Ct | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Brady Richard H Rev | 217-522-2881 | 2812 S Walnut St | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Calvary Chapel of Springfield | 217-698-5950 | 1709 W Iles Ave | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Catholic Conference of Illinois | 217-528-9200 | 108 E Cook St | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Cherry Hills Baptist Church | 217-546-4818 | 1220 Outer Park Dr | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Douglas Avenue United Methodist Churc | 217-546-4631 | 501 S Douglas Ave | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church | 217-522-7331 | 2313 S Whittier Ave | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
First Baptist Church | 217-523-7731 | 301 S Grand Ave W | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 217-522-5969 | 601 S 2nd St | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
First Congregational Church United C | 217-546-7170 | 2100 S Bates Ave | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Free Methodist Church Knox Knolls | 217-546-4082 | 2251 W Monroe St | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Heartland Community McC | 217-523-4461 | 501 W Monroe St | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Holy Ground | 217-391-0450 | 304 W Allen St | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Hope Presbyterian Church | 217-546-6951 | 2211 Wabash Ave | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
House of Prayer | 217-528-6026 | 423 S Grand Ave W | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Jerome United Methodist Church | 217-546-2241 | 1570 Reed Ave | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Laurel United Methodist Church | 217-525-1866 | 631 S Grand Ave W | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Lord of the Harvest Christian Cente | 217-522-5673 | 1939 S Pasfield St | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 217-546-4531 | 2645 Old Jacksonville Rd | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Pasfield Southern Bapt Church | 217-528-6814 | 411 W Lenox Ave | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
South Side Christian Church | 217-525-0304 | 2600 S Macarthur Blvd | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Standard John B | 217-787-3254 | 3144 Elmhurst Dr | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 217-522-4415 | 533 S Walnut St | Springfield | IL | 62704 |
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