Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Springfield, IL 62703
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Springfield IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Addus | 217-585-6693 | 2323 Adlai Stevenson Dr | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Adloff Place | 217-786-3109 | 50 Adloff Ln | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Amer Red Cross | 217-522-3357 | 1025 S 6th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield | 217-529-6117 | 2705 S 14th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Springfield | 217-544-0548 | 300 S 15th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Casa Court Appointed Special Advocat | 217-522-2241 | 1001 E Monroe St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Catholic Charities of Springfield | 217-523-2450 | 1023 E Washington St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Catholic Charities of Springfield | 217-525-0500 | 120 S 11th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Catholic Charities of Springfield | 217-523-9201 | 800 S 5th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Fishes & Loaves Outreach Minist | 217-523-0296 | 1319 S 13th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
Illinois Coalition Against Sexual | 217-753-4117 | 100 N 16th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
P O R A | 217-522-3922 | 930 S 11th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
United Cerebral Palsy of Land of Linc | 217-525-6522 | 101 N 16th St | Springfield | IL | 62703 |
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