Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Pekin, IL 61554
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Pekin IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Broadmoor Jr High School | 309-477-4731 | 501 Maywood Ave | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
C B Smith Primary School | 309-477-4713 | 1314 Matilda St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Discovery Days Preschool | 309-347-8892 | 300 S 6th St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Edison Jr High School | 309-477-4732 | 1400 Earl St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran School & Presch | 309-347-2020 | 333 State St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Jefferson Primary School | 309-477-4712 | 900 S Capitol St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
North Pekin Marquette Heights Ey Scho | 309-382-2144 | 51 Yates Rd | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
North Pekin Marquette Heights Ey Scho | 309-382-3401 | 109 Rogers Rd | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
North Pekin Marquette Heights School | 309-382-3612 | 100 Joliet Rd | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Pekin Community High School District | 309-347-4101 | 1903 Court St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Pekin Public Schools District 108 | 309-477-4715 | 1730 Highwood Ave | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Pekin Public Schools District 108 | 309-477-4714 | 1610 Holiday Dr | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Pekin Public Schools District 108 | 309-477-4722 | 900 Koch St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Pekin Public Schools District 108 | 309-477-4716 | 1110 Veerman St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Pekin Public Schools District 108 | 309-477-4721 | 501 Washington St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Preschool Family Education Cente | 309-477-4730 | 1000 Koch St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
Rankin School | 309-346-3182 | 13716 S 5th St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
South Pekin School District 137 | 309-348-3695 | 206 Main St | Pekin | IL | 61554 |
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