Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Morton, IL 61550
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Morton IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Roast Beef | 309-284-0064 | 1801 N Morton Ave | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Basta's Italian Kitchen | 309-263-9393 | 955 W Jackson St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Brick Oven The | 309-263-6836 | 332 Detroit Ave | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Burger King | 309-266-8300 | 1810 N Morton Ave | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Carius A & W | 309-266-5843 | 214 S Main St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Firehouse Saloon Inc | 309-263-2466 | 1909 S Main St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Golden Corral | 309-263-2669 | 1101 W Jackson St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Hardee's | 309-266-9331 | 608 S Main St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Judy's Restaurant | 309-263-2303 | 701 W Jackson St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 309-266-9751 | 927 W Jackson St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
La Gondola Spaghetti House | 309-263-7716 | 1917 S Main St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
McDonalds | 309-263-2402 | 321 North Dr | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Morton Family Restaurant | 309-263-4145 | 1800 N Morton Ave | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Mustard Seed The | 309-263-1046 | 208 N Main St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Penny's Village Inn | 309-266-5591 | 112 W Adams St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Quizno's | 309-266-1112 | 833 W Jackson St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Restaurant Wendys | 309-263-8194 | 120 W Ashland St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Ruby Tuesday | 309-263-4477 | 127 E Ashland St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Schooner's of Morton | 309-263-9969 | 630 W Jackson St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Steak & Fries of Morton | 309-266-6266 | 315 S Main St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Subway | 309-263-8200 | 603 W Jackson St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Susie's | 309-263-1047 | 103 W Bradley St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
Taco Bell | 309-263-7252 | 100 W Ashland St | Morton | IL | 61550 |
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