Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Plainfield, IL 60544
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Plainfield IL should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Administation Center | 815-577-4000 | 15732 S Howard St | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Central Elementary School | 815-436-9278 | 305 W Lockport Rd | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Creekside Elementary | 815-886-5689 | 13909 S Budler Rd | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Indian Trail Junior High School | 815-436-6128 | 1005 N Eastern Ave | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Lakewood Falls Elementary Scho | 815-439-4560 | 14050 S Budler Rd | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Lincoln Elementary School | 815-577-4500 | 14740 Meadow Ln | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Operations Office | 815-436-7800 | 500 Fort Beggs Dr | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Plainfield Community Consolidated Sc | 815-436-3200 | 611 Fort Beggs Dr | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Plainfield Community Consolidated Sc | 815-439-4288 | 17530 Howard Ave | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Plainfield Community Consolidated Sc | 815-439-2885 | 24810 W 135th St | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Schools Public | 815-436-7000 | 3100 Caton Farm Rd | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Schools Public | 815-254-2160 | 2110 Clubland Pkwy | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Schools Public | 815-436-9519 | 2544 Crystal Dr | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Schools Public | 815-439-5521 | 504 Fort Beggs Dr | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
Schools Public | 815-267-3600 | 15320 W Wallin Dr | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
St Mary's School | 815-436-2861 | 129 S Division St | Plainfield | IL | 60544 |
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