Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fort Wayne, IN 46806
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fort Wayne IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 260-745-4611 | 425 Agnes St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Bible Baptist Church | 260-447-4558 | 4720 Wayne Trce | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Calvary Third United Presbyterian Ch | 260-456-4137 | 4700 S Anthony Blvd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Canaan Baptist Church | 260-744-2568 | 827 E Fairfax Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Cathedral of Praise Ministries & Ch | 260-745-1843 | 115 E Foster Pkwy | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Christ Church of Faith | 260-744-3175 | 1702 McKinnie Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Christ United Methodist Church | 260-456-5014 | 1101 McKinnie Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Church in Fort Wayne Christian Acade | 260-744-1683 | 1015 E Maplegrove Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Church of Christ Summit City | 260-456-7719 | 5420 S Anthony Blvd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Community Baptist Childcare Minis | 260-456-2545 | 3032 Smith St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Eleventh Missionary Baptist | 260-744-1655 | 5011 Decatur Rd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Faith Lutheran Church Elca | 260-745-2565 | 1700 E Pettit Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Faith Missionary Bapt Church | 260-456-5063 | 2717 Gay St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 260-744-3834 | 809 Elmrow Dr | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church | 260-745-4225 | 2940 S Anthony Blvd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Haven Missionary Christian | 260-744-9190 | 3109 Warsaw St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Mt Calvary Missionary Baptist Church | 260-456-2821 | 3506 Warsaw St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
New Joshua Full Gospel Baptist Church | 260-745-5674 | 4202 Hessen Cassel Rd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Open Arms Ministeries | 260-447-4211 | 5311 Hessen Cassel Rd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Renaissance Baptist Church | 260-744-9600 | 5515 Hanna St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Southern Heights Baptist Church | 260-744-9307 | 4001 S Anthony Blvd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
St Luke's Luth Church E L C A | 260-744-3265 | 3601 Warsaw St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Star Bethel Missionary Bapt Church | 260-456-7076 | 3223 Smith St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Trinity Full Gospel Baptist Church | 260-456-8830 | 3015 Bowser Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
United for Christ Christian Worsh | 260-456-6665 | 4833 Hanna St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Urban Ministries Center Inc | 260-745-3232 | 5102 Gaywood Dr | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Warsaw Street Baptist Church | 260-744-1804 | 2901 Warsaw St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Zion Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 260-744-5260 | 1005 Colerick St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
Zion Tabernacle Assembly | 260-745-9327 | 2915 Evans St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46806 |
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