Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Fort Wayne, IN 46809
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Fort Wayne IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A 1 American Limousine & Airport Taxi | 260-478-9910 | 3833 W Ferguson Rd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46809 |
Apostolic Jesus Name Church | 260-747-5108 | 2610 Saint Louis Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46809 |
Bethany Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 260-747-0713 | 2435 Engle Rd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46809 |
Church of Christ Waynedale | 260-747-2637 | 3421 Thurber Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46809 |
Missionary Church Inc | 260-747-2027 | 3811 Vanguard Dr | Fort Wayne | IN | 46809 |
Nine Mile United Meth Church | 260-747-3459 | 6303 Winters Rd | Fort Wayne | IN | 46809 |
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church | 260-458-9600 | 2601 Alma Ave | Fort Wayne | IN | 46809 |
Waynedale United Methodist Churc | 260-747-7424 | 2501 Church St | Fort Wayne | IN | 46809 |
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