Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Jeffersonville, IN 47130
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Jeffersonville IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Atkins William W Pastor | 812-288-7985 | 5015 E Highway 62 | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Bethel A M E Church | 812-283-0624 | 200 W Park Pl | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Christ Gospel Churches International I | 812-282-8458 | Highway 62 & Oakwood | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Church of Christ | 812-284-3125 | 3108 Hamburg Pike | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Church of Christ Meigs Av | 812-283-7710 | 824 Meigs Ave | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Cook Memorial United Methodist Churc | 812-283-6408 | 1025 Allison Ln | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Covenant Christian Preschool | 812-282-9227 | 2326 Charlestown New Alba | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Eastern Hgts Baptist Church | 812-283-6998 | 3733 E 10th St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Eastside Christian Church | 812-288-9061 | 2319 Charlestown New Alba | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Emmanuel Baptist Church | 812-284-4439 | 809 Springdale Dr | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Faith Evangelical | 812-282-1685 | 1741 E 8th St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Faith Family Church | 812-282-9280 | 3018 Middle Rd | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Faith Lutheran Church Elca | 812-282-6993 | 2014 Allison Ln | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
First Baptist Church of Jeffersonville | 812-283-6136 | 2402 E 10th St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
First Baptist Church Parsonage | 812-282-3795 | State 62 Rd | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
First Christian Church & the Grace Cen | 812-282-1278 | 3209 Middle Rd | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
First Church of the Nazarene Jevlle | 812-282-0168 | 1544 Plank Rd | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
First Trinity Baptist Church | 812-282-3802 | 1506 Spring St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Indiana Baptist Church | 812-282-3657 | 109 E 14th St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Jeffersonville Christian Churc | 812-283-9006 | 2101 Middle Rd | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 812-288-8819 | 1807 E 10th St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Lincoln Park Baptist Church | 812-284-3604 | 901 French St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Maranatha Baptist Church | 812-283-0002 | 2935 Holmans Ln | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
New Chapel United Methodist Churc | 812-288-2431 | 5616 New Chapel Rd | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
New Progressive Baptist Church | 812-280-0851 | 4712 Middle Rd | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Northside Church of Christ | 812-282-6272 | 2510 E 10th St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Oak Park Baptist Church | 812-283-9400 | 1111 Allison Ln | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Presbyterian Church USA Foundation | 812-288-8841 | 200 E 12th St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Rolling Fields Baptist Church | 812-283-6296 | 1858 E 8th St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
St James United Methodist Churc | 812-283-4983 | 3715 Utica Sellersburg Rd | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
St Luke's United Church of Christ | 812-282-3383 | Maple & Walnut | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
St Stephen Church | 812-218-8718 | 2701 Charlestown New Alba | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Sunnyside Assembly of God Church | 812-283-7536 | 3200 Holmans Ln | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Temple of Christ | 812-284-6333 | 332 E Chestnut St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Wall Street United Methodist Churc | 812-282-9868 | 240 Wall St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Walnut Ridge Baptist Church Sbc | 812-282-2453 | 2118 Hamburg Pike | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
Wesley United Methodist Church | 812-283-3727 | 1201 Locust St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
West Maple St Baptist Church | 812-282-1665 | 401 E Maple St | Jeffersonville | IN | 47130 |
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