Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Muncie, IN 47304
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Muncie IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Ministry | 765-358-4007 | 9701 N County Road 450 W | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
American Baptist Campus Ministry | 765-284-5735 | 2117 W Petty Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
American Baptist Churches USA | 765-288-3463 | 3700 W Riverside Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Anderson Douglas T Rev | 765-282-2322 | 3621 N Everbrook Ln | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Andrew's Angels | 765-282-6466 | 2700 W Moore Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Bradford Park Bible Church | 765-288-6288 | 6314 W Penrod Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Cadwell Neil | 765-288-9569 | 6401 W River Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Christian and Missionary Alli | 765-282-6119 | 5601 W Jackson St | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Christian Service International | 765-286-0711 | 1714 W Royale Dr | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Church of the Nazarene | 765-282-3335 | 4600 N Wheeling Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Community Fellowship | 765-287-0501 | 2408 N Oakwood Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Community Fellowship Foursquare Chur | 765-286-8777 | 2500 N Oakwood Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Fairlawn Church of Christ | 765-282-0795 | 6108 W Bethel Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Fig Tree Ministries | 765-281-1636 | 501 S Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
First Church of the Nazarene | 765-282-4138 | 3101 N Benton Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Halteman Village Baptist Church | 765-288-9174 | 4100 N Oakwood Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Lighthouse of Jesus Christ | 765-759-9721 | 8116 W Jackson St | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Mt Olive Freewill Baptist Church | 765-286-3912 | 7500 N Wheeling Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
New Testament Christian Ministries | 765-282-7666 | 6207 W Taylor Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Northside Church of the Nazarene | 765-284-3466 | 3801 N Wheeling Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
People of Praise | 765-289-8645 | 3300 W Moore Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 765-286-8866 | 5000 N Morrison Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
University Christian | 765-284-0896 | 2400 N Nebo Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Wesleyan Churches | 765-288-8747 | 1500 W Cowing Dr | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 765-288-3355 | 2801 W Riverside Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
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