Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Muncie, IN 47304
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Muncie IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 765-284-7008 | 1423 W McGalliard Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Arby's | 765-284-2752 | 725 S Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Bob Evans Restaurant | 765-284-7669 | 1417 W McGalliard Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Bruner's Family Restaurant | 765-288-2711 | 2200 W Kilgore Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
End Zone Sports Bar & Grill The | 765-288-5077 | 2430 W Kilgore Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Estep & Company | 765-254-1801 | 4801 W Clara Ln | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
First Wok | 765-289-7698 | 3802 W Bethel Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Great Steak & Potato Company | 765-741-9681 | 831 S Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Great Steak & Potato Company | 765-747-9242 | 1606 W McGalliard Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
International House of Pancakes | 765-254-4467 | 3300 N Chadam Ln | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
King Buffet | 765-587-0166 | 1515 W McGalliard Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Labamba Restaraunt | 765-741-0609 | 3201 N Morrison Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Long John Silver's | 765-282-1726 | 115 S Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
McDonald's Hamburger System | 765-286-2046 | 3301 N Chadam Ln | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
McDonald's Hamburger System | 765-284-8708 | 4707 N Wheeling Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
McDonald's Hamburger System | 765-284-6047 | 305 S Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Penn Station East Coast Subs | 765-281-8825 | 3313 N Everbrook Ln | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Puerto Vallarta Mexican Restaurant | 765-282-8191 | 3505 N Wheeling Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Puerto Vallarta Mexican Restaurant | 765-288-5825 | 508 S Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Ryan's Family Steakhouse | 765-288-4869 | 4221 W Bethel Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Sirloin Stockade | 765-287-9051 | 4949 W Hessler Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Skyline Chili | 765-284-3382 | 700 S Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Steak N Shake | 765-288-4366 | 3350 N Morrison Rd | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Subway | 765-289-2112 | 3521 W Fox Ridge Ln | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Sunshine Cafe | 765-288-5221 | 3113 N Oakwood Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Taco Bell | 765-286-3999 | 701 S Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Thailand Restaurant | 765-289-8989 | 2401 N Tillotson Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
Timbers Lounge | 765-286-5323 | 2770 W Kilgore Ave | Muncie | IN | 47304 |
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