Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Elkhart, IN 46514
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Elkhart IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Augustana Lutheran Church Elca | 574-294-3823 | 1133 Kilbourn St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Bethel Assembly of God | 574-264-1892 | 600 E Bristol St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Bethel United Methodist Church | 574-264-3455 | 1200 N Michigan St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Burgess Limousine | 574-264-4142 | 933 McPherson St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
California Road Missionary Chur | 574-264-4246 | 29765 County Road 12 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Church of Christ | 574-264-3574 | 1400 Willowdale Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Church World Service | 574-264-3102 | 28606 Phillips St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Comfort Suites | 574-206-1555 | 404 Northpointe Blvd | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Community Enrichment Center of Elkha | 574-262-9353 | 25404 Modrell Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 574-262-1331 | 29635 County Road 10 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Crown of Life Lutheran | 574-262-9966 | 53111 County Road 15 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Elkhart Church of Christ Christia | 574-264-3338 | 29222 County Road 12 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
First Church of Christ Scientist of El | 574-294-1841 | 2913 E Bristol St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
First Presbyterian Church | 574-264-3109 | 200 E Beardsley Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Grace Bible Church | 574-264-7333 | 54230 County Road 5 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Highland Park Baptist Church | 574-264-6392 | 54162 Highland Blvd | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Lilly W F & Co | 574-294-2507 | 820 N Ward St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Lutz Brian Rev | 574-264-3852 | 25435 County Road 6 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Michiana Korean Church | 574-262-8877 | 29400 County Road 10 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
New Hope United Methodist Churc | 574-262-9341 | 28765 County Road 4 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Northside Baptist Church | 574-264-6713 | 53198 County Road 9 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Open Door Christian Fellowship | 574-264-5657 | 51586 County Road 5 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Rock Harvest Ministries | 574-262-1641 | 29748 County Road 12 | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
St Paul's United Methodist Churc | 574-293-0482 | 405 W Beardsley Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
St Thomas the Apostle Church | 574-264-0491 | 1331 N Main St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
Trinity Lutheran Church | 574-522-0114 | 400 S West Blvd | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
West View Florist | 574-264-3112 | 1717 Cassopolis St | Elkhart | IN | 46514 |
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