Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Elkhart, IN 46517
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Elkhart IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Because He Lives Ministries | 574-293-7070 | 2010 Markle Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Calvary Assembly of God | 574-293-5963 | 1010 E Mishawaka Rd | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 574-296-9902 | 27664 County Road 24 | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Canaan Baptist Church | 574-293-1623 | 933 Fieldhouse Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Elkhart Christian Center | 574-875-8371 | 60536 County Road 113 | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Elkhart First United Methodist Churc | 574-294-1649 | 400 W Mishawaka Rd | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Elkhart Reformed Presbyterian | 574-293-1772 | 2323 17th St | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Elkhart Valley Church of the Brethren | 574-875-5802 | 24955 County Road 24 | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
First Baptist Church of Elkhart | 574-295-4475 | 2626 Prairie St | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
First Church of God | 574-294-3339 | 2411 S 6th St | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
God's Holy Temple for All Nation | 574-294-6967 | 28353 County Road 20 | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Living Faith Fellowship Inc | 574-295-4357 | 2601 Benham Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Luthern Church of the Redeemer Elca | 574-293-5332 | 3300 Benham Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
New Testament Bible Church | 574-295-5532 | 29718 County Road 18 | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Solid Rock Church of God | 574-296-1416 | 58970 County Road 3 | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Victory Chapel | 574-674-6163 | 30898 County Road 20 | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
Zion Missionary Church | 574-293-5541 | 1135 E Hively Ave | Elkhart | IN | 46517 |
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