Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Goshen, IN 46526
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Goshen IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bartholomew Tim Rev | 574-862-2672 | 65575 County Road 11 | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Beth'el Restoration Fellowship | 574-534-5568 | 65532 State Road 15 | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Bethel Missionary Church | 574-862-2631 | 63503 County Road 7 | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Bible Memory Program | 574-533-5388 | 1014 N Greene Rd | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Church in Goshen | 574-534-9994 | 1922 W Lincoln Ave | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 574-534-4477 | 2339 Eisenhower Dr N | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Communion Fellowship | 574-533-0315 | 116 S 3rd St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Community Church of Waterford | 574-534-5433 | 3004 S Main St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Cripe Studio | 574-534-8274 | 132 S Main St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Downtown 808 | 574-535-0808 | 216 S Main St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Faith Christian Center | 574-533-1722 | 1801 W Clinton St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
First Assembly of God Church | 574-533-7333 | 1706 Westplains Dr | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
First Baptist Church | 574-533-3139 | 1011 S Indiana Ave | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
First English Lutheran Church Elca | 574-533-3773 | 406 S 5th St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
First United Methodist | 574-537-9343 | 1212 W Plymouth Ave | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Goshen Christian Church | 574-533-8122 | 2133 Berkey Ave | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Goshen Christian Reformed Church | 574-533-2676 | 518 N Greene Rd | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Goshen Floral & Gift Shop Inc | 574-533-0531 | 310 S 3rd St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Indiana Michigan Mennonite Confe | 574-534-4006 | 212 S Main St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Liberty Community Church | 574-533-5432 | 2004 Bashor Rd | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Mount Moriah Worship Center | 574-875-8413 | 23460 County Road 30 | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Schafer Duane Pastor | 574-533-5760 | 202 S Greene Rd | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
St John's Catholic Church | 574-534-7554 | 112 W Madison St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Studio 33 | 574-533-2242 | 513 E Madison St | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
West Goshen Church of the Brethren | 574-533-6360 | 1200 Berkey Ave | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
Wisler Mennonite Church | 574-862-1039 | 25012 County Road 38 | Goshen | IN | 46526 |
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