Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Noblesville, IN 46060
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Noblesville IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel A M E Church | 317-776-0830 | 697 S 5th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 317-773-6729 | 11818 State Road 32 E | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Bible Baptist Church | 317-773-3175 | 1190 N 9th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Bible Holiness Church | 317-773-5805 | 345 N 13th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Calvary Apostolic Church | 317-773-8654 | 1420 S 10th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Calvary Baptist Church A B C | 317-776-0013 | 197 S 9th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Christ Commuity Church of Hamilton Cou | 317-774-0700 | 1516 Morton St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Christ Lutheran Church Lcms | 317-773-3669 | 10055 E 186th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Clarksville Christian Church | 317-773-5757 | 16600 Lehr St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Community Baptist Church | 317-773-8582 | 825 S 11th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Emmanuel | 317-773-4406 | 16000 Cumberland Rd | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Faith Community Church | 317-770-9920 | 19201 Promise Rd | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Fellowship Baptist Church | 317-776-2783 | 12860 State Road 38 E | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Fellowship Bible Church | 317-770-6794 | 9615 E 148th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
First Christian Church of Noblesville | 317-773-0126 | 16377 Herriman Blvd | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
First Presbyterian Church of Noble | 317-773-2383 | 1207 Conner St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
First United Methodist Church | 317-773-2500 | 2051 Monument St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Green Valley Church of Christ | 317-773-4308 | 19005 Cumberland Rd | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Life Church | 317-776-1375 | 9820 E 141st St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Lighthouse Fellowship Church of God | 317-773-5031 | 1234 S 15th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
New Light Christian Center | 317-776-0176 | 1905 Hannibal St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Noblesville Baptist Church | 317-773-1501 | 1338 Pleasant St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Noblesville Christian School | 317-773-2233 | 1685 N 10th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Noblesville Nazarene Church | 317-773-2411 | 1399 Greenfield Ave | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Prairie Baptist Church | 765-534-3630 | 14790 E 206th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Refuge Christian Church | 317-773-3475 | 196th | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Union United Methodist Church | 317-773-2820 | 19090 Deshane Ave | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
Victory Chapel Community Churc | 317-773-5246 | 13350 E 216th St | Noblesville | IN | 46060 |
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