Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Michigan City, IN 46360
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Michigan City IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ak Smith Career Center | 219-873-2121 | 817 Lafayette St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Barker Middle Schools | 219-873-2057 | 319 Barker Rd | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Duneland Lutheran High School | 219-874-5103 | 1237 E Coolspring Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Eastport Elementary School | 219-873-2076 | 1201 E Michigan Blvd | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Elston Middle Schools | 219-873-2030 | 317 Detroit St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
H & R Block | 219-874-9690 | 1810 E US Highway 20 | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
H & R Block | 219-872-6718 | 3901 Franklin St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Joy Elementary School | 219-873-2090 | 1600 E Coolspring Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Krueger Middle Schools | 219-873-2061 | 2001 Springland Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Life Training Center Inc | 219-872-0517 | 622 Franklin St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Long Beach Elementary School | 219-873-2099 | L B Stop 24 | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2096 | 321 Bolka Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2079 | 502 Boyd Cir | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2102 | 401 E Homer St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2124 | 2601 Franklin St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2105 | 100 Manny Ct | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2114 | R 2 Brown Rd | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2108 | 811 Royal Rd | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2000 | 408 S Carroll Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2127 | 1100 S Woodland Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2073 | 9121 W 300 N | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2117 | 3054 W 800 N | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michigan City Area Schools | 219-873-2043 | 8466 W Pahs Rd | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Queen of All Saints Catholic Church | 219-872-4420 | 1715 E Barker Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Schools Diocese of Gary | 219-872-2258 | 1506 Washington St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
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