Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Michigan City, IN 46360
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Michigan City IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross Laporte County | 219-874-4247 | 113 E Warren St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Birthright of Michigan City | 219-879-7770 | 1416 Buffalo St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Catholic Family Serv | 219-879-9312 | 321 W 11th St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Dunes Fellowship House of Michigan Cit | 219-879-5663 | 211 E 6th St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Family Focus Inc | 219-871-8104 | 901 S Woodland Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Habitat for Humanity of Michigan City | 219-874-3830 | 707 Washington St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Hope Program | 219-874-4606 | 222 McClelland Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Indiana State of | 219-879-5351 | 1551 S Woodland Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Laporte County Pact | 219-872-9139 | 132 E 6th St | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Martin Luther King Youth Center | 219-879-4114 | 805 Martin Luther King D | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Michiana Humane Society & Spca | 219-872-4499 | 722 Indiana Highway 212 | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
North Central Community Action Agencies | 219-872-3764 | 1702 E Michigan Blvd | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
North Central Community Action Agencies | 219-872-0942 | 301 Grant Ave | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
Swanson Center | 219-879-4621 | 450 Saint John Rd Ste 501 | Michigan City | IN | 46360 |
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