Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Air Conditioning Services in Merrillville, IN 46410
* Each listing below of Air Conditioning Services Information for Merrillville IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A 1 National Refrigeration H | 219-865-0800 | | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Air Comfort Corp | 219-769-8970 | 575 W 84th Dr | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Arctic Engineering Co Inc | 219-947-4999 | 8410 Minnesota St | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Christian Brothers Appliance Repai | 219-756-3986 | 3800 W 78th Pl | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Earl's Heating & Airconditiong I | 219-795-1943 | 8621 Indiana Pl | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Excelsior Mfg & Supply Corp | 219-942-8383 | 1721 Northwind Pkwy | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
International Piping Systems Inc | 219-756-7720 | 8619 Louisiana Pl | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Modern Heating Air Conditioning & | 219-887-1222 | 5252 Washington St | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Parkway Mechanical Inc | 219-942-6626 | 3500 E 83rd Pl | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Reliable Construction Heaters | 219-945-1726 | 3385 E 84th Pl | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
Vercellino's Heating & Air Conditionin | 219-942-7637 | 5500 E Lincoln Hwy | Merrillville | IN | 46410 |
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