Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in East Chicago, IN 46312
* Each listing below of Churches Information for East Chicago IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abc East Chicago in | 219-398-2978 | 3715 Butternut St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Annointed House of Prayer Christia | 219-397-5320 | 3816 Pulaski St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Antioch Baptist Church | 219-398-2589 | 3902 Alexander Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Central Baptist Church of East Chicago | 219-397-4397 | 4741 Northcote Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Faithworld Christian Center the Chur | 219-398-9480 | 4902 Reading Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
First Baptist Church of East Chicago | 219-398-0758 | 4911 McCook Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church | 219-397-1107 | 4756 Melville Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
God First Ministry | 219-378-1965 | 801 E Chicago Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Goodwill Baptist Church | 219-397-6771 | 5119 Indianapolis Blvd | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Greater First Baptist Church | 219-378-0914 | 4862 Olcott Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Harbor Assembly of God | 219-398-9004 | 3600 Grand Blvd | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Harbor Catholic Rel Education | 219-397-3293 | 3916 Pulaski St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Holy Trinity Croatian Church | 219-398-3061 | 4754 Carey St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
House of Glory Word Outreach Center | 219-392-1457 | 4009 Fir St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Lighthouse C F Indiana Inc | 219-397-1390 | 3717 Grand Blvd | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 219-397-1678 | 4901 Melville Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Meek Baptist Church | 219-397-1084 | 4830 Alexander Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Metropolitan C M E Church | 219-398-9352 | 4856 Kennedy Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Mt Hermon Missionary Baptist Church | 219-397-6750 | 3601 Pennsylvania Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
New Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church | 219-397-8693 | 3924 Kennedy Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
New Starlight Baptist Church | 219-398-1493 | 3839 Guthrie St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ | 219-397-5209 | 4321 Elm St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Salvation Army The | 219-398-2939 | 513 W Chicago Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Schools Diocese of Gary | 219-397-4404 | 816 W 144th St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Second Baptist Church | 219-398-4322 | 3939 Deodar St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Segunda Iglesia Bautista | 219-397-0315 | 1920 E Columbus Dr | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Sisters of St Joseph's Convent | 219-397-7059 | 4940 Indianapolis Blvd | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
St John Ame Church | 219-398-7663 | 4730 McCook Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
St Luke Ame Church | 219-397-1626 | 3543 Block Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
St Mark A M E Zion | 219-398-4653 | 4200 Alder St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 219-397-8933 | 2001 Franklin St | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
Strait Gate Temple | 219-397-9281 | 4014 Alexander Ave | East Chicago | IN | 46312 |
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