Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Gary, IN 46406
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Gary IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Angel of Faith Missionary Bapt | 219-949-0877 | 521 Ralston St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Believer's Fellowship Non Denominatio | 219-944-2001 | 5915 W 15th Ave | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Berean Fellowship Baptist Church | 219-944-3379 | 262 Gerry St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Black Oak Baptist Church | 219-844-4328 | 6502 W 25th Ave | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Black Oak Church of Christ | 219-844-1789 | 2844 Stevenson St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Church of Jesus Christ | 219-845-3796 | 2301 Gerry St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 219-844-0780 | 2609 Colfax St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Gary Move of God Church | 219-949-5271 | 435 Hobart St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Gospel Truth Apostolic Ministry Inc | 219-949-5433 | 5829 W 15th Ave | Gary | IN | 46406 |
House of Prayer Faith in Jesus Christ | 219-977-1657 | 528 Clark Rd | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Joyner Willie Pastor | 219-949-9347 | 601 Ralston St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Living Waters Missionary Chur | 219-944-8576 | 2009 Cline Ave | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Mount Center Baptist Church | 219-949-4556 | 635 Clark Rd | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Mt Bethany Missionary Baptist Church | 219-949-8481 | 1027 Burr St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Mt Horeb Mb Church | 219-944-1364 | 456 Hamlin St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
New Fellowship Missionary Bapt | 219-944-8230 | 1072 Clinton St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Old Fashion Missionary | 219-844-3386 | 3000 Calhoun St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Old Fire House Community Cente | 219-844-8633 | 6055 W 29th Ave | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Sonrise Church | 219-845-8059 | 2301 Fairbanks St | Gary | IN | 46406 |
St Mark Missionary Baptist Church | 219-977-9458 | 4632 W 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46406 |
Sweet Pilgrim of Grace Baptist Church | 219-944-9048 | 1900 Matthews Pl | Gary | IN | 46406 |
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