Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Gary, IN 46407
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Gary IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Missionary Bapt | 219-886-3796 | 425 W 12th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Allen Chapel C M E Church | 219-883-7777 | 836 E 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Baber Youth Cntr | 219-886-7561 | 2001 Massachusetts St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Bethlehem A M E Zion Church | 219-882-6609 | 560 W 19th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Calvary Institutional Baptist Church | 219-883-9157 | 2400 Virginia St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Chief Corner Stone Missionary Bapt | 219-882-8189 | 2457 Polk St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Christ Temple Church of God in Christ | 219-882-3078 | 509 E 20th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Christ Temple True Holiness | 219-882-0590 | 2223 E 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Christian Valley Baptist Church | 219-883-5762 | 1910 Adams St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Church of Christ | 219-882-1223 | 1000 E 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Dumas Floyd E Rev Ceo | 219-881-0447 | 1649 Broadway Bsmt | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Father's Heart Church | 219-886-3018 | 2225 Broadway | Gary | IN | 46407 |
First Baptist Church | 219-883-3216 | 626 W 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
First Free Will Baptist Church | 219-885-1793 | 2451 Pennsylvania St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Galilee Baptist Church | 219-886-2641 | 1548 Madison St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 219-885-2109 | 719 W 25th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Grace Missionary Baptist Church | 219-944-7833 | 1505 W 25th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Greater Faith Missionary Bapt | 219-881-7741 | 1714 Broadway | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Greater St James A M E Church | 219-885-7058 | 2601 Massachusetts St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
International Christian Lifesyle Unlimi | 219-886-0109 | 1585 Fillmore St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Israel Cme Church | 219-883-3859 | 2301 Washington St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church | 219-885-4014 | 1741 Fillmore St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Koinonia Missionary Baptist Church | 219-886-2728 | 1165 Jackson St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Metropolitan Baptist Church | 219-882-3461 | 1920 Broadway | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Morning Star Missionary Bapt Ch | 219-883-6149 | 2019 Connecticut St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Mount Herman Apostolic Church Inc | 219-882-6195 | 1224 E 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Mt Moriah Missionary Baptist Church | 219-882-5246 | 735 E 20th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Mt Zion Ame Church | 219-883-2710 | 1765 Tyler St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
New Hope Apostolic Faith Church | 219-949-2439 | 2336 Lincoln St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 219-883-5743 | 2307 Rhode Island St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
New Mt Moriah Missionary Bapt | 219-886-2555 | 1917 Carolina St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
New Nazareth Baptist Church | 219-880-0719 | 1601 E 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
New Tabernacle Missionary Bapt | 219-944-9650 | 2416 Pierce St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
New Testament Missionary Bapt | 219-885-3453 | 2431 Central Dr | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Peter Rock Church of God in Christ | 219-886-2351 | 2765 Van Buren Pl | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Peter's Rock Baptist Church | 219-882-9247 | 1725 E 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Pilgrim Baptist Church | 219-944-8161 | 1301 W 21st Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Prayer House of Faith | 219-886-1020 | 300 E 15th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Spirit of Love Baptist Church | 219-882-4190 | 2352 Polk St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
St James Baptist Church | 219-944-7743 | 1333 W 25th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
St John Baptist Church | 219-886-1522 | 2452 Massachusetts St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
St John Baptist Church | 219-886-7769 | 2457 Massachusetts St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
St Luke A M E Zion Church | 219-883-2481 | 1300 Jackson St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 219-883-2720 | 1831 Virginia St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
True Faith Missionary Baptist Church | 219-881-0753 | 2330 Pennsylvania St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Unity Outreach Ministries | 219-880-2770 | 1441 Delaware St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Vanburen Baptist Church | 219-886-2541 | 2585 Van Buren St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Whole Truth Gospel Church Original | 219-885-7534 | 1120 W 17th Ave | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Zion M B Church | 219-885-1833 | 2367 Massachusetts St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Zion Progressive Baptist Church | 219-885-7992 | 1169 Connecticut St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
Zion Temple Apostolic Church | 219-883-8831 | 1525 Jefferson St | Gary | IN | 46407 |
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