Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hammond, IN 46320
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hammond IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
An Open Door Church | 219-931-5747 | 6043 S Hohman Ave | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
Apostolic Church of the Lord Jesus Chri | 219-931-7092 | 624 E Highland St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
Bethel A M E Church | 219-931-6122 | 6153 S Ray Ave | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
Emmanuel Temple Apostolic Churc | 219-931-1660 | 1030 E Ames St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
First Presbyterian Church | 219-931-2174 | 6021 S Hohman Ave | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
Greater Works Outreach Ministry | 219-852-0659 | 5125 S Hohman Ave | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
Issa General Merchandise | 219-853-1977 | 5631 S Calumet Ave | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
Mt Zion Baptist Church | 219-931-4337 | 1047 E Kenwood St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
New Community Baptist Church | 219-931-8407 | 5461 S Calumet Ave | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 219-932-5954 | 1115 E Merrill St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church | 219-932-5955 | 1117 E Merrill St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
New Salem Baptist Church | 219-932-0999 | 833 E Conkey St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
St John Ame Zion Church | 219-931-0697 | 1227 E Field St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
St Mary's Church | 219-933-9772 | 931 E Merrill St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
State Street Baptist Church | 219-932-2359 | 860 E State St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
Tewes Park Baptist Church | 219-937-0119 | 1430 E Michigan St | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
Universal Christian Center Lifeangi | 219-933-6621 | 405 Carroll | Hammond | IN | 46320 |
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