Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hammond, IN 46324
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hammond IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Bible Church | 219-931-8607 | 1138 173rd St | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Calumet Christian Counseling Cntr | 219-932-5915 | 6635 Hohman Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 219-844-6122 | 7051 Indianapolis Blvd | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Christian Fellowship Ch | 219-931-5177 | 605 165th St | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Christian Science Church & Readin | 219-931-2169 | 7125 Hohman Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Community Preschool | 219-844-3030 | 7320 Northcote Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Family Community Church of the Nazarene | 219-852-4067 | 820 171st St | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
First United Lutheran Church | 219-932-0116 | 6705 Hohman Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Free Grace Rev | 219-931-5284 | 740 River Dr | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Hyde Park United Methodist Churc | 219-932-0613 | 6348 Harrison Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Living Water Missionary Baptist Church | 219-853-9951 | 6511 Jefferson Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Redeeming Ministries | 219-932-0403 | 6947 Hohman Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Sardis Missionary Baptist Church | 219-937-4171 | 604 173rd St | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
St Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Pro Ca | 219-554-0989 | 7035 Columbia Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church | 219-932-4660 | 7227 Hohman Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Woodmar Baptist Church | 219-844-5475 | 7146 Chestnut Ave | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
Zion Holiness Church | 219-931-7808 | 707 169th St | Hammond | IN | 46324 |
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