Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hobart, IN 46342
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hobart IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assumption Church | 219-962-1073 | 3530 Illinois St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Augustana Lutheran Church | 219-942-3574 | 207 N Kelly St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Calumet District United Methodist Churc | 219-942-0034 | 650 E 4th St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Central Baptist Church | 219-759-5200 | 704 W 700 N | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Evergreen Memorial Baptist Church | 219-942-5844 | 3900 W 37th Ave | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
First United Methodist Church of Hobar | 219-942-1601 | 654 E 4th St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church | 219-947-3449 | 6240 Grand Blvd | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Hillcrest Baptist Church | 219-942-1963 | 2825 E Cleveland Ave | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Hobart Church of Christ | 219-942-2663 | 300 N Liberty St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Hobart First Christian Church | 219-942-3345 | 625 Lake St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Hobart Presbyterian Church | 219-942-5502 | 60 N Washington St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Inland Manor Baptist Church | 219-942-0522 | 630 N County Line Rd | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 219-942-3708 | 2727 E Cleveland Ave | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Nagy Gary Rev | 219-942-2589 | 900 Luther Dr | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
New Hope Missionary Church | 219-962-4863 | 3528 Saint Joseph Pl | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Primeria Iglesia Christian Hispa | 219-942-2240 | 2328 W Old Ridge Rd | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
St Stephens Episcopal Church | 219-942-0697 | 1360 State St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
Trinity Lutheran Church & School Missou | 219-942-3147 | 891 S Linda St | Hobart | IN | 46342 |
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