Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lake Station, IN 46405
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lake Station IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
29th Av Baptist Church | 219-962-4007 | 116 E 29th Ave | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Community Presbyterian Church | 219-962-1810 | 2800 Fayette St | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Defenders Faith Center | 219-963-9652 | 2600 Grand Blvd | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
First Baptist Church of Lake Station | 219-962-1691 | 1309 Central Ave | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
First Christian Church | 219-962-1607 | 2535 Pike St | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Harvest Independent Baptist Church | 219-962-4461 | 4901 E 28th Ave | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Lake Station Baptist Church | 219-962-9302 | 2801 Central Ave | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Liberty Baptist Church & Academy | 219-962-4857 | 2075 Rush Pl | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Lighthouse Temple | 219-962-4558 | 1625 Service St | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Liverpool Baptist Church | 219-962-1768 | 3315 E 35th Pl | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Redeemer Lutheran Church | 219-962-1609 | 3930 Central Ave | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
Trinity United Meth Church of Hobar | 219-962-1353 | 3561 S Randolph | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
United Pentecostal Church | 219-962-3771 | 2270 Tippecanoe St | Lake Station | IN | 46405 |
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