Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Anderson, IN 46013
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Anderson IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abounding Grace Fellowship | 765-640-0004 | 3201 E 67th St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Abundant Life Church of God | 765-642-0515 | 1224 E 44th St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Aletheia Fellowship & Ministry Center | 765-649-3480 | 2505 Faith Dr | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Anderson Covenant Academy | 765-683-0504 | 3325 Dr Martin Luther Kin | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Bingham R B Jr Rev Church | 765-649-1806 | 630 W 53rd St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Church of Christ | 765-644-5387 | 4620 Columbus Ave | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Church of Christ Meadowbrook | 765-649-3400 | 601 W 38th St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Cornerstone Ministries | 765-644-4203 | 3649 Madison Ave | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
East 38th Street Free Will Baptist | 765-643-4927 | 1125 E 38th St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
East Lynn Christian Church The | 765-643-7415 | 522 E 53rd St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Faith Baptist Church | 765-644-2058 | 620 Norris Dr | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Faith Church | 765-649-6612 | 2817 E 53rd St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Grace Chapel Four Square | 765-643-3226 | 2320 E 38th St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Kingston Avenue Baptist Church Sbc | 765-644-4171 | 5403 Kingston Ave | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Lighthouse Mission Ministries | 765-649-5260 | 3310 Columbus Ave | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Main St Church of God | 765-644-6555 | 4211 Main St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Maple Grove Church of God | 765-644-7532 | 2729 E 38th St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Meadowbrook Baptist Church | 765-644-6558 | 119 E 36th St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
New Horizons Umc | 765-644-0949 | 611 E 53rd St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Ovid Community Evangelistic Ch | 765-642-0551 | 793 E 600 S | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Ricker's Bakery | 765-608-1132 | 3814 Columbus Ave | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
South Anderson U M C | 765-642-8061 | 4100 Main St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Southern Heights Christian Churc | 765-649-0849 | 5401 Madison Ave | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
St John's Lutheran Church Elca | 765-644-6020 | 310 E 53rd St | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Victory Baptist Church | 765-644-7255 | 4301 S Scatterfield Rd | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
Whetstone United Church of Christ | 765-643-7800 | 5940 Madison Ave | Anderson | IN | 46013 |
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