Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Elwood, IN 46036
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Elwood IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethel Baptist Church | 765-552-9412 | 2401 S E St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Christian Church East Main Street | 765-552-7171 | 1801 Main St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Church of Christ | 765-552-6387 | 1616 N A St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Church of God | 765-552-3611 | 614 N 3rd St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 765-552-0417 | 6025 W State Road 28 | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Curtisville Christian Church | 765-552-0657 | 737 N 600 E | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Elwood Bible Baptist Church | 765-552-8642 | 504 N 12th St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Elwood Missionary Southern Baptis | 765-552-5234 | 1421 S L St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
First Assembly of God | 765-552-2894 | 415 N A St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 765-552-2660 | 420 S Anderson St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
First Pentecostal Church of Elwoo | 765-552-9788 | 800 S 22nd St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
First Presbyterian Church | 765-552-2435 | 223 Main St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
First United Methodist Church | 765-552-6700 | 901 N 16th St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
First United Methodist Church | 765-552-5483 | 1500 N A St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 765-552-5798 | 1509 S D St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 765-552-5300 | 1520 S D St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Harmony Christian Church | 765-552-6373 | 9043 W 1800 N | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Main Street Wesleyan | 765-552-9976 | 2535 Main St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
New Beginnings Fellowship | 765-552-2010 | 1629 S 19th St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
New Life Ministries Outreach | 765-552-7389 | 1522 Main St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
St John's Lutheran Church | 765-552-6125 | State Rd 13 S | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
St Joseph Church | 765-552-6753 | 1306 S A St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Trinity United Methodist | 765-552-7938 | 748 N 14th St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Wheeler Photo | 765-552-5744 | 308 S 22nd St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
Zion Chapel Church | 765-552-9514 | 700 N 14th St | Elwood | IN | 46036 |
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