Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Indianapolis, IN 46220
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
66th St Baptist Church | 317-251-1847 | 918 E 66th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Berean Bible Church | 317-259-7834 | 5602 Allisonville Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Bread of Life Fellowship | 317-205-9350 | 5221 Keystone Ct | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Broad Ripple United Methodist Churc | 317-251-5049 | 6185 Guilford Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis | 317-257-2266 | 5692 Central Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Christ the King | 317-255-3666 | 5884 Crittenden Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Church of Christ Scientist | 317-251-9736 | 655 E 62nd St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Church of the Savior United Methodis | 317-251-6187 | 6205 Rucker Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Common Ground Christian Church | 317-251-1494 | 6151 Central Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Eagle Creek Fellowship | 317-253-5226 | 5610 Broadway St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Epworth United Methodist Churc | 317-251-1481 | 6450 Allisonville Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
First Friends Church | 317-255-2485 | 3030 Kessler Boulevard Ea | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Lca | 317-251-5139 | 3535 Kessler Boulevard Ea | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Immanuel House of Prayer | 317-254-0578 | 5326 Hillside Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Jerusalem Temple | 317-253-2276 | 2125 E 54th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Keystone Christian Church | 317-255-5003 | 2525 E 56th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
New Paradigm Christian Church | 317-252-5433 | 6202 Carrollton Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Northminister Presbyterian Ch | 317-726-0959 | 1660 Kessler Boulevard Ea | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Second Baptist Church Child Care | 317-925-2268 | 3705 Kessler Boulevard Ea | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
Victory Baptist Church | 317-255-2881 | 5350 Ashurst St | Indianapolis | IN | 46220 |
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