Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Indianapolis, IN 46224
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Indianapolis IN should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Action 2000 | 317-381-9118 | 1140 N Norfolk St Apt 46 | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Assemblies of God Churches | 317-243-9396 | 47 Beachway Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Baptist | 317-291-4783 | 4950 W 34th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis | 317-241-6314 | 5301 W 16th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Church of Christ | 317-299-5600 | 3103 N High School Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Church of Christ Speedway | 317-243-8040 | 4956 W 10th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Freedom Missionary Baptist Church | 317-243-2764 | 350 N Fuller Dr | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Lutheran Churches | 317-243-6684 | 6118 Crawfordsville Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Northrop Iris | 317-299-7845 | 3123 N Lawndale Ave | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Northwest Baptist Church | 317-291-4186 | 3470 N High School Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Northwest United Methodist Churc | 317-291-9133 | 5701 W 34th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Salt of the Earth Baptist Church | 317-291-7258 | 4925 W 36th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Speedway Baptist Church | 317-291-8570 | 2986 Moller Rd | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Speedway Christian Church | 317-244-7656 | 5110 W 14th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Speedway Church of Christ Communit | 317-247-6012 | 4980 W 10th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Speedway United Methodist | 317-241-1563 | 5065 W 16th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
St Johns Episcopal Church | 317-293-0372 | 5625 W 30th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
St Luke's United Church of Christ | 317-241-5647 | 5360 W 16th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
Westview Christian Church | 317-291-7608 | 5925 W 34th St | Indianapolis | IN | 46224 |
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